Sara Morrow
2nd Grade Teacher
About Me
Welcome t0 Mrs. Morrow's Classroom Webpage!
This is my sixteenth year teaching 2nd Grade at Newport Grammar School. My husband's name is Dustin Morrow and we have an 8 year old daughter named Caroline Reese Morrow. I am so blessed to be part of the NGS family!
Bachelor's Degree-K-6 Education- East Tennessee State University
Master's Degree- Curriculum and Instruction- Lincoln Memorial University
Spelling Words
Weekly Spelling Words
around, out, gown, sound, flower, howl, found, noise, royal, coil, cow, about, toy, moist
Challenge Words: their, there, they're - These words will count on the Spelling Test! Weekly Spelling Tests will be on Fridays.
This Week We Are...
February 3-7
Reading-Our story this week is Each Kindness
skills: Character development
Vocabulary: brilliant, thawed, rippled, tattered, belonged, announce
Language- subject verb agreement
Math- Identifying Coins and their value. Counting money to $1.00
Social Studies- Rural and Urban
Summer Reading
Second Grade Summer Reading Program
All students must read 10 picture books or 3 chapter books this summer and keep a reading log. Reading log must be in the student's handwriting.
Choose to do one of the following:
Attend 2 summer library activities (Stokely Memorial Library or other library programs). Write down the activities and the dates attended.
Choose 3 books and write a paragraph of the book summary and draw a picture.
Give the list of activities and reading log to your second grade teacher. Students who complete the summer reading program will receive two 100’s in language arts.
Upcoming Events
- February 4- Cupid Story Due
- February 5- Spring Picture Day- Money Poem will be recited
- February 7- Wear Read for Heart Health Awareness
- February 12- Progress Reports go home
- February 14- Valentine's Day Party! 1:00 Dismissal
- February 17- No School Presidents' Day
- February 18-21- Space Week!
If you wish to review our weekly stories at home, they can be found on YouTube. Please check out our google classroom.
Technology: Students are working on Prodigy, Epic Books, and IXL.
Please check your child's ASPEN account for any posted grades given in the classroom. Log in information was sent home at the beginning of the year.
Monday- Reading Comprehension Sheet and 1 minute fluency read- See note
Tuesday-Math Practice Sheet
Wednesday- Write 5 sentences using one spelling word in each sentence
Thursday- Language Practice Sheet
Friday- No Homework! Have a great weekend! :)
Weekly Tests:
Spelling Test- Friday
Vocabulary Quiz- Friday
Story of the Week Test- Friday